FANZINE137 is a kind of best-kept-secret for insiders, for all those people who love images and enjoy looking for special projects in printed paper.
In essence, FANZINE137 is a very personal art magazine about all things I like, about people I admire because of different reasons. Every little thing on each new issue is there simply because I like it… So it’s a magazine about me throught the things I like, throught the artworks of amazing artists around the world that I deeply admire.
FANZINE137 style mixes top-names personal artwork with young talents on the verge of discovery, alongside legendary artists rarely featured in today’s magazines. With each new issue a new theme is explored by the contributours, allowing their own creative freedom to sculpt the content - Luis Venegas
In essence, FANZINE137 is a very personal art magazine about all things I like, about people I admire because of different reasons. Every little thing on each new issue is there simply because I like it… So it’s a magazine about me throught the things I like, throught the artworks of amazing artists around the world that I deeply admire.
FANZINE137 style mixes top-names personal artwork with young talents on the verge of discovery, alongside legendary artists rarely featured in today’s magazines. With each new issue a new theme is explored by the contributours, allowing their own creative freedom to sculpt the content - Luis Venegas