Torpedo Press

«Verdens navle» er en skulptursamling Kongevold og Christiansen har laget til Aukra Omsorgssenter på øya Gossen nordvest for Molde. Dette er en kunstbok som gir innblikk i prosessen og tankene bak kunstverket. Men hvordan oppleves og tolkes «Verdens navle» av andre?

Tolv gjesteskribenter fra ulike fagområder har skrevet tekster til boken med utgangspunkt i Geir Dokkens fotografier av kunstverket. Et bredt spekter forfattere og forskere innenfor kunstformidling, sakprosa og skjønnlitteratur har levert bidrag. Tekstene inviterer til refleksjon rundt eksistensielle spørsmål både på et personlig og et overordnet plan. Et fellestrekk er det at de på ulike måter tematiserer omsorg – omsorg for mennesket og omsorg for naturen.

Bidragsytere i boken «Verdens navle»: Arve Rød / Dag O. Hessen / Thomas Reinertsen Berg / Lene Liebe Delsett / Monica Marcella / Marit Ruge Bjærke / Halfdan Bleken / Agnar Lirhus / Andreas Vermehren Holm / Sofie Isager Ahl / Frøydis Sollid Simonsen / Thure Erik Lund / Anja Bjørshol (red.) / Henrik H. Svensen (red.)

Utgitt med støtte fra Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond og Kulturrådet.
Verdens navle
Laila Kongevold, Stefan Christiansen, Anja Bjørshol, Henrik H. Svensen

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449 NOK
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I bokprosjektet «Månesyk» skaper fotografi, collage og tekst en personlig fortelling om tap og forsoning. Collagene berører tematikk knyttet til fotografiets rolle som minne spesielt og kunstens rolle som et rom for bearbeidelses-prosesser mer generelt. Å skjære den avdøde faren ut av fotografiet fremhever tapshistorien som er å finne i boken, og nye sammensetninger forteller om hvordan kunstneren leter etter sin far, etter relasjonen, og et uttrykk for sorgen – ikke bare over det som er tapt, men også det som aldri var.
Katja Høst

Published by:
Spring Press



349 NOK
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Robida is a situated, multilingual cultural magazine published by Robida collective. Each issue explores a topic connected and generated by Topolò/Topolove, the village on the border between Italy and Slovenia where the collective is based. The chosen topic is thrown into the world and interpreted by people who have never been to Topolò. What people send back after the open call is not only a contribution to the exploration of a defined theme but also a new interpretational tool to explore the collective’s relation to Topolò.

The ninth issue of Robida magazine digs into soil, dirt, mud, earth, ground and compost, which are interpreted through six categories, each proposed by one editor of the magazine: symbolic, feminist, theoretical, dwelling, contaminated and tactile soils.
Robida #9: suolo prst soil

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300 NOK
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By way of gathers and gaps, leaps and snaps, this publication presents two networked essays that, between them, attempt to bring into view the poetics and possibilities of (dis)order, (il)legibility and (dis)orientation.

I Shivered Violently / Don’t Be Startled in the Night… approaches the renowned dynamic ordering and continual inventory of the Sitterwerk Foundation Kunstbibliothek (CH) as a site and a system of intrigue. In particular, these essays track the intent of a bespoke machine, fitted with an RFID scanner, that reads the shelves of the library at the end of the day. Visitors return items to the stacks at random and so, at night, an up-to-date record — and map — of the collection is created.

The behaviour of magnets, prompted by their role in the library’s technology used in the library, guides the attention of this publication, and is the subject of the written essay by Bryony Quinn. The visual essay, by Paul Bailey, which arranges material harvested from the Sitterwerk collection and beyond, deals with the conditions and manipulations of seeing with, and through, machines.
I Shivered Violently / Don’t be Startled in the Night
Bryony Quinn & Paul Bailey

Published by:
Set Margins



200 NOK
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Supplement 7 traces Joar Nango’s artistic process, mapping the development of his temporary installation and sculpture Uncle Doug’s Fishing Shack presented at Plug In ICA (Winnipeg) in 2019 as part of STAGES. The publication features an interview between Nango and Indigenous architect David Thomas about an abandoned military barracks’ transformation into Canada’s largest urban reserve. It also includes a short essay by Indigenous architect Ryan Gorrie, in which he examines Circle of Life Thunderbird House in Winnipeg, designed by renowned Indigenous architect Douglas Cardinal. These texts are paired with critical writings by architecture lecturer Timothy O’Rourke and architecture scholar Courtney R. Thompson, who detail accounts of governmental suppression of Indigenous architectural and artistic ingenuity in both Australia and Canada.

Edited by Jenifer Papararo. Produced in partnership with Plug In ICA and AGYU
Supplement 7
Joar Nango: Uncle Doug's Fishing Shack

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A Sudden Drop documents the garments Jóhannsson found on the street on the way to his studio in Oslo. Throughout the course of a year, the artist collected assorted sweaters, shoes, shorts, socks, gloves, stockings, bras, and dropped them, arbitrarily, on his parquet studio floor to photograph. The book catalogues 741 collected items photographed individually and arranged to cover full pages or comprising grids of three by three. Jóhannsson creates a sense of calm and order through his consistent compositions and careful arrangements of color. The book invokes questions around belonging, privacy, processes of aging, and collecting. Included is an accompanying pamphlet, Eight and a Half Days, which shows the end of this process, in which Jóhannsson compacts these garments into four wooden baskets and photographs them on the side of the street.
A Sudden Drop
Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson

Published by:
Multinational Enterprises



250 NOK
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Textile Spaces presents different approaches to using textile as spatial definer and artistic medium. The publication collages images and text, art and architecture, science, philosophy and litterature, process and product, past, present and future. It forms an insight into soft materials' functional and poetic potentials, linking the disciplines through fragments that aim to inspire a further look into the artists' and architects' practices,while simultaneously framing theses textiile visions in a wider context.

With contributions from Akane Moriyama, Aurora Passero, Else Leirvik, Tove Storch, Maria Kjaer Themsen, Marte Danielsen Jølbo, Nicola Louise Markhus, Mette Ramsgard Thomsen.
Textile Spaces
Marte Danielsen Jølbo, Nicola Louise Markhus (Eds.)

Published by:
Another Space



200 NOK
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