Torpedo Press

From the Apartheid wall in Palestine to the digital paywall, from memorial murals in Jamaica to the increasingly tall glass facades of modern office blocks, walls testify to the tumult of history and humanity’s ceaseless urge to communicate and to sow division. They force us to reflect on the paradoxes of openness and isolation, of enclosure and exclusion. In a world drowning in borders, barriers and barbed-wire fences, MacGuffin Magazine Nº 14 The Wall pauses for thought and asks: What exactly do we want to express or protect?
MacGuffin Magazine #14: The Wall

Published by:
MacGuffin Magazine


290 NOK
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Through a historical assessment, reports from factories, the deciphering of savoir-faire, and iconic objects, Tools offers an enquiry into the foldings of yesteryear and the current day, by paying particular attention to those who produce the cult objects of our everyday life and thus convey the histories behind our shared imagination.
Tools Magazine #4

Published by:
Tools Magazine


350 NOK
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Ankommen is a study of architectural infrastructure for state-provided accommodation for refugees in Germany. During the so called European migrant crisis from 2015 on Germany got known for its 'welcome culture' towards refugees. Since 2015 millions of refugees have arrived to the country and the state has had to react quickly trying to provide sufficient housing for the immigrants. In the fast paced urban planning process material and immaterial borders are created, making it challenging for the refugees to settle. Through photographic documentation, aerial views and official documents of regulations regarding refugee housing complexes the book raises a questions about the architecture’s impairing effects for refugees integration to German society. The dummy of the book received the German Photo Book Award in the category "Best Student Project" in 2020. The work raises awareness of the impact of architecture for housing refugees and to stimulate a discussion of the extent to which structural and institutional racism are embedded in our society and in architecture. By recognising these mechanisms, we not only gain an understanding of the situation of the people affected, but also the possibility to change the conditions.
D for Daug

Published by:
Kult Books


460 NOK
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Deep in the woods in Dalarna, Sweden, scattered among stumps and newer-growth trees stand centuries-old Scotch pines – thick, gnarled, and covered with carvings. The messages inscribed in their trunks are from female shepherds who, from the 17th to the early 20th centuries, would leave their villages to live and work together on the fäbod (summer farm) and lead their families’ cattle out to graze. While in the pastures, these young women, many of them teenagers, carved the date, their initials, and notes to each other, leaving the trunks scrawled with a kind of teenage freneticism, a coded language, an assertion of their existence: HERE WE DRAW OUR NAMES. The artist Elina Birkehag went into the forest with her camera and searched for the trees. She photographed the marks the young women had left in the bark. Her book connects us with the female shepherds and enables us to “read” the trees.

With contributions by Amelia Groom & M. Ty, Quinn Latimer, Meg Miller, Jungmyung Lee, Matilda Kenttä & Linnea Rutz, and Jennie Tiderman Österberg.

Elina Birkehag is an artist working with inscriptions in relation to the body, technology, and time.
D for Daughter
Elina Birkehag

Published by:
Spector Books



380 NOK
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Hvordan skriver man en biografi om en kunstner, der uophørligt har beskæftiget sig med andre menneskers aktiviteter og efter- levninger? En kunstner, hvis hovedinteresse retter sig mod ting og steder, som i de fleste tilfælde enten overses eller forbigås uden større interesse.
Fyrre bidragsydere bestående af forfattere, kunstnere, forskere og kuratorer har ageret leksikonskribenter og sammen skabt et opslagsværk, der ikke kun handler om kunstneren og hans kunst, men samtidig om det at favne verden, at forsøgsvis afdække dens små hemmeligheder og den sensibilitet, vi omgås dem med.
Bogen bærer undertitlen »konversationsleksikon«, og i skandinavisk kontekst leder det automatisk associationerne mod den historiske udgivelse Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon, et ikonisk værk i dansk kulturhistorie, der nu fører sit efterliv på hylderne i diverse antikvariater eller blandt loppemarkedets kuriositeter, enten splittet op i enkeltbind, eller hvis man er på udkig og heldig, som samlet (og vægtig!) andenudgave med hele 25 bind og supplementsbind.
Helt så omfattende er Ephemera Mundi Konversationsleksikon ifht LKM’s værker dog ikke. Her er der i udgangspunktet også kun tale om ét emne, nemlig Lasse Krog Møllers værker. På den måde handler dette leksikon langt mere om, hvilken interesse og hvilke tanker en kunstners praksis kan afstedkomme, end hvilke fænomener, der i bred forstand eksisterer.
Lysten til at forene den biografiske genre med den leksikale udtrykker en langt mere subjektivt betonet appetit efter at finde ud af, hvad det er, enkeltpersoner får øje på i et kunstværk, og dermed hvad de tager med sig af forestillinger og overvejelser.
Ephemera Mundi Konversationsleksikon ifht LKM’s værker præsenterer således et udsnit af Lasse Krog Møllers kunst og de emneovervejelser, den har affødt hos skribenterne. Som kunstens formater forandrer sig, så transformeres også det leksikale format og ekspliciterer, at der er tale om en kollektiv hjernes frembringelser.
Denne bog er et forsøg på at eksponere disse hjernevindinger og samtidig give et originalt bud på en kunstnerbiografi.
Ephemera Mundi: Konversationsleksikon
Lasse Krog Møller

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A Sudden Drop documents the garments Jóhannsson found on the street on the way to his studio in Oslo. Throughout the course of a year, the artist collected assorted sweaters, shoes, shorts, socks, gloves, stockings, bras, and dropped them, arbitrarily, on his parquet studio floor to photograph. The book catalogues 741 collected items photographed individually and arranged to cover full pages or comprising grids of three by three. Jóhannsson creates a sense of calm and order through his consistent compositions and careful arrangements of color. The book invokes questions around belonging, privacy, processes of aging, and collecting. Included is an accompanying pamphlet, Eight and a Half Days, which shows the end of this process, in which Jóhannsson compacts these garments into four wooden baskets and photographs them on the side of the street.
A Sudden Drop
Sveinn Fannar Jóhannsson

Published by:
Multinational Enterprises



250 NOK
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Textile Spaces presents different approaches to using textile as spatial definer and artistic medium. The publication collages images and text, art and architecture, science, philosophy and litterature, process and product, past, present and future. It forms an insight into soft materials' functional and poetic potentials, linking the disciplines through fragments that aim to inspire a further look into the artists' and architects' practices,while simultaneously framing theses textiile visions in a wider context.

With contributions from Akane Moriyama, Aurora Passero, Else Leirvik, Tove Storch, Maria Kjaer Themsen, Marte Danielsen Jølbo, Nicola Louise Markhus, Mette Ramsgard Thomsen.
Textile Spaces
Marte Danielsen Jølbo, Nicola Louise Markhus (Eds.)

Published by:
Another Space



200 NOK
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